
Star Date 9.27.06

{A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt about a tragedy. He said, "I feel as though I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is vengeful, angry and violent. The other is loving, compassionate and forgiving."

The grandson asked, "Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?"

The grandfather said, "The one I feed." }

I have no idea who's word painting this is but, a friend sent it to me a few years ago when I truly needed it.

This is one of the paintings I'm working on now, my interpretation of the words anyway.

The words ring true to me, but in a different way. For me, it's not a matter of which wolf I feed, without both wolves there would be no balance, it's what and how i feed them. I've learned to try and feed them both understanding, offered with a gentle hand.

My interpretation of Two Wolves is an Elder passing down the lesson of balance to a Child Soul. I see color when I read or hear or think certain things, with Two Wolves story I see mostly greens and blue-greens.

I have an oddly wired brain :)

And, even a mirror has two sides.



The Art of Reaching

How many times have I wanted to reach for something but was afraid ?

Reach out to myself.

Reach for a new beginning.

Reach a finish line I had forgotten I was racing toward.

Fear can be such a powerful thing. It keeps us coddled, bound and caged. It keeps us on a path that may not be our own. It keeps us blindfolded to reality and gagged lest we speak the truth, even to ourselves.

That's what The Art of Reaching is about.

Rejecting fear's grip and having the courage to reach.



Halloween Trio

~ All Hallows Eve ~

Bless the night of Halloween,
A night for those who go unseen.
A time for them to cross between,
our world and theirs.

Tap, tap, their footsteps fall,
Those that heed the midnight call.
Arrive then, at the Samhain Ball,
and dance the night away.

Winds whisper secrets in the breeze.
Tendrils of smoke rise thru the trees.
Give us candies, if you please,
tonight is Halloween.

Juli ~ Sept. 2006

Star Date 9.12.06

I met with a client today, I believe it went well. It felt good. She may be commissioning a large piece. A mural. I love doing them and it would help pay the bills for a while :)

It feels so good to be alive, really alive.

This little Art card was inspired by my friend Anthony. It's about being truly alive :) It's called, "Praise the Sun"

signing off and hitting the sack

Namaste world,


By the Light of the Moon

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Star Date 9.03.06

I finished the first of 3 new paintings today :) I'm soooo thankful to be painting again. Everyone needs a break now and then but too long and the need becomes to great.

My stomach muscles happily ache from practicing rolling but it's a good ache and I really love Bellydancing :) lol It will be nice when it actually looks more like Bellydancing and less like a seizure.

OK, signing off

Namaste World,


Star Date 8.01.06

It's funny how trivial chaos can so get in the way of truly living.

I still list my art on eBay but I've also listed it on Etsy now, it seems to have a better venue for my style and the costs to list are much lower.


I hadn't painted in weeks, started 3 new paintings then just quit and haven't finished them. Last night at around 2am she came back, my muse :) and I hope to have at least one done in the next few days. It feels so good to dip brush in paint and dance paint on canvas.

Also, it's been over 4 months since I quit smoking and I'm starting to feel kind of like a non-smoker. It feels good :) And to add to the Irish Jig of Joy, I've lost all the weight I gained when I quit and some extra :)

I've started learning Bellydancing :)

Ok, I'm off to bed, I hope everyone has reason to dance.
